All Of My Days Have Been Misspent
Stuffing Out The Sofa
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Lots of Shit

2004-03-11 & 12:03 a.m.

I just realized that I want to make a special 500th entry. (See previous entry for hint about it...) So I only have 19 more entries until that happens. I have to get some shit together before I can make this 500th entry. I am going to have to pace myself because I only have 19 entries to spare. Usually I update what 4 or 36 times a day, right? (and said entries are read by like 9 people...) So that would give me roughly 4.75 days to complete what I need to complete for my special entry. Therefore, I have 2 more days to procrastinate and then 2.75 days to freak out and not get my shit together in time and then I will be writing some lame entry about how I couldn't get my shit together in time so my 500th entry won't be special at all. Yes, this is what I envision happening.

So I went to the Bush site and they have this make your own poster thing. I was directed there by Elizabeth, Liz, Betsy or whatever she calls herself these days... whose friend had made one that said,"Why Settle for a Lesser Evil". So I tried to make mine, "'Cause Everyone in Iraq Ain't Dead Yet." and it wouldn't let me. So then I tried,"Evil will Prevail" and that didn't work either. Next up was "Cause the First Four Years Weren't Bad Enough" and that was a no go as well. The husband figures that the programmer was instructed to not allow banners that contained certain keywords to be produced. Damn Bush! At least the The Bush Background Generator has never failed me.

Blah blah blah....Real World/Road Rules Challenge....blah blah....I hate stupid Mormon Julie....blah blah...Jessica Simpson crying because her hair stylist couldn't get to her.....blah blah....those two better not get a husky.....blah blah blah....Damn I wish there was more to me than the tv I watch. Is there a program at The Betty for someone like me? Is there a MTV Detox? I know mommylap would be all about that with me.

I want my husband to go on Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. I want to be on Trading Spaces. Is this too much to ask? Is it? Speaking of Trading Spaces, this new Home Free thing...why OH WHY couldn't this have come to Seattle...? I would have been all over this shit. Hell if I had known about it I probably would have insisted we move to Florida so I could be on it. One thing though, if I was a contestant and Hilde Santo Tomas showed up at my door and said she was the designer I was working with I would slam the door in her face and say, "Hell No". I got extremely pissed at the Green Team because they totally did not get their "Doug" on properly. Hi....Doug is a god as far as I am concerned and you dare to poo poo his royal dare you? However, the room that the Lavendar team did was totally better. Gen rocks. I voted for the Lavendar team. They were really cute and their room was WAY BETTER. I loved the whole "Wood Marries Metal" idea. And while I am on the topic of Trading Spaces...does Laurie EVER paint any room ANY color besides that "muted pumpkin", "tuscan tile", "burnt orange" color that she continually makes new names for but always looks the same? Did she buy every can of that color paint at some sort of discount because painting rooms that color went out in 1999 or something? I mean granted I had a papisan chair in my living room up until a few hours ago and those went out when Suzanne Somers left Three's Company but I never proclaimed myself a professional...ya know?

Memo to Reviewers and Reviewees


Signed, Fargahar

The Husband was voted Employee of the Month at Workplace. They gave him a gift certificate to Geek Emporium (read: electronics store) and he gets to have this guitar sit in his office for a month because he is the "RockStar" of the company. I am proud of him but rockstar...he is not. He is a little bit William Hung...I'm a little bit Rock and Roll. He also has to think of something witty to autograph the guitar with. Before he went to bed he said he wished that because he was picked as employee of the month that would mean he got to take the month off and get paid for it.

Whilst cat sitting today, I discovered that not only does the lady I cat sit for save every peice of fur that her cats shed or that she brushes out of them, but she also saves all their toenail clippings, whiskers and teeth they lose. Now I have Charlie's hip bone that he had removed but that is in formalin and that is sort of cool, but toenail clippings...

Excuse my wordiness but this is what happens when I have a limited amount of entries I can use until I reach 500 and have to make my special entry.

Dear Will and Grace,

ENOUGH GUEST STARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Dear Friends,

I will miss you...but you are really overstaying your welcome now.



Dear The Donald,

You have a lot of money. Get new hair.



Dear Joey,

I am sorry about your new show.



(I did not mail that one yet..I have it prepared just in case.)

What Do You Have to Say About It?

<<<< relive my past & step into the future >>>>

Wilted Tulip - 2005-08-10
"Mullets of America: Step Away From this Femme" - 2005-05-27
I�m the dyke who will give it to you - 2005-05-11
Trail Mix - 2005-05-04
Can I be random? - 2005-04-27