Back in St. Olaf:

Trinity Sixty-Three - 2004-05-18 20:31:58
Hey ding ding - you are going to the gym during lunch hour, which is a very popular time to go to the gym. You should go between 2 and 5 and it would be a light crowd.

And you should be careful, Andrygenous Woman could probably kick your ass:) ha ha!

I bet you feel much better now that you are getting into shape:)
awittykitty - 2004-05-18 21:50:06
FREAKMAN: (mumbling) "Why is that girl looking at me (hump), she keeps looking at me, why is she looking at me? (hump) Shit, she's looking at me again. Why is she looking at me? (hump) There she goes (hump) again...why is she looking at me?" (hump). Well, that's just what I thought he might be mumbling....I could be (hump) wrong. :-)
thea - 2004-05-19 00:14:31
thank you for the nice comment girlie. and you're right...i will find the strength in me to move past it all

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