Back in St. Olaf:

Amy - 2004-05-07 08:38:16
I KNOW! And presumably Rachel has a contract with LV and with whomever she was renting from in what about all that? And I like how Ross couldn't move to England to be with Emily because of Ben...but he was SO fine with letting Emma move to Paris? What was up with that?
Kristina - 2004-05-07 09:45:52
You're exactly right, I thought the same thing about the stroller and the babies coming home, speaking of which, how do you think they got the babies home? Did they have two carseats? Do they even have cars, except for Phoebe's cab? And yeah, Chandler having two new babies has nothing better to do than hang out at Joey's looking for the stupid chick and duck? There were some serious continuity issues going on it that show last night. Not to mention no wrapping up of the Joey story at all or doing anything with Phoebe's character except some quick remark by Mike about them having babies. Ah well, what can you expect.
LA - 2004-05-07 10:10:05
You're kidding about priorities, right? "Too bad, kid. I'm taking a miss on a big deal in your life so I can talk about a show that's OVER with a geek who thinks child molestation jokes are funny." Lisa Kudrow is 7 months younger than I am. Sorry she's too old and gross to be interesting. ~LA
Trinity Sixty-Three - 2004-05-07 11:28:52
I wasn't thrilled with the Friends last episode either. My husband thought it should have ended with them all being killed or something:) That would be have a lot better.

In *most* states babies have a three day waiting period before parental rights are severed, and the birth mom has to sign her rights away. Right after birth, the Birth Mom typically holds her babies.

Yes, the twin stroller thing was hilarious -- as was Monica walking *out* of her apartment with a baby monitor and leaving her babies UNATTENDED I might add in the apartment.

The whole Ross and Rachel thing was terribly predictable, and don't get me started on Lisa Kudrow, she just plain pisses me off.
Saladwhore - 2004-05-07 13:36:56
God, and people wonder why I never liked this show? I didn't watch it of course, but damn it sounds stupid!
Eve - 2004-05-07 14:02:12
I happen to the love the show, because I tend to laugh out loud a lot while watching. But much like with any situation comedy, there are tons of inconsistencies and "you can't do that!" instances. But even I had problems with the season finale. It was so ANTI-climatic.
They all lived in Manhattan, now Monica and Chandler are moving to Long Island. Take it from someone who lives there, THEY AREN'T MOVING FAR from each other. And most of them WORK in the city. Big fucking deal!
I agree with Amy: Ross couldn't move to England because of Ben, but Emma can go to Paris. Retarded.
OK, I'm willing to NOT see the consequences of Rachel bailing out on the new job, but because she didn't go, it means she stays in the city--with everyone else, except Monica and Chandler.
Oh man, why did you get me started?
dev - 2004-05-07 15:00:26
friends...(yawn) "good times", now that's a show!
Kristin - 2004-05-07 15:27:04
I like Lisa Kudrow... and that's my two cents..
Your Daddy - 2004-05-07 15:43:37
Rachel has a college degree.. who told you she had no education? A regular college degree is not enough to work at a fashion company. She is not really the top executive, just some head of a department. There are plenty of real people like that. They dont say she's working at NASA. Even NASA hires people with regular college degrees. I don't think you even know the story enough to criticize what went wrong with it. Yeah, the story is all ridiculous but so what? what's so real on TV? Monica has a Porsche that her dad gave her...
fargahar - 2004-05-07 16:27:42
Anyone else find it humorous that my daddy knows and cares so much about Friends?
Cosmicrayola - 2004-05-07 16:36:19
I was a fan of Friends for the first 4 years or so. I lost interest after that. How many new story lines can you create after that many years. I loved Mash, but even that had to end sometime. I am looking forward to the series finale of Frasure too.

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