Back in St. Olaf:

U Know Whoooo - 2004-03-04 02:08:23

Tom - 2004-03-04 05:29:17
There is TWENTY DOLLAR shampoo? My god, I'm glad I'm a Man. We just rub the Irish Spring on our scalp til it lathers up. $3.99 for a 6-pack. Bath size, even. (Oh, and I agree with you about Corgi's. But they have such cute butts!!)
PoeticaL - 2004-03-04 07:29:52
awwww.....I'm sorry he's not coming to Seattle....
devian - 2004-03-06 10:27:23
i'm sorry i'm not coming to seattle, too...but one lesson i need to learn is to stop trying to make david live the life i want to live and think more about his needs and wants, too. i have a habit of making up my mind and forcing him to adhere to it. i'm still bad with this whole "compromise" thing. moving to seattle would have made him very unhappy and so we've compromised and made a decision TOGETHER (funny, huh, that i've let someone in on that process...) to move to san francisco. it was always the plan, but it was my idea to move to seattle first...we've both decided that it would not be cost-effective and the best decision is to stay here, where we have good jobs and are making half-way decent money. that way, when we do move to san fran, we'll not only have more $$$ (which is important as i am poor), we'll also have more experience in our fields. so, that is why i'm not moving. please don't hate me! i will still come visit you because i do love seattle.

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