Back in St. Olaf:

karen - 2004-02-25 01:34:58
awesome quote. i don't have showtime, so i couldn't watch QAF, but i am getting somewhat caught up with my DVDs. anyway, keep fightin'. we'll win it one day. in 20 years, we'll look back on 2004 and shake our heads in disbelief that two women or two men could not legally get married. gawd, it's frusterating now, though.
Salad Eating Bunny Lover - 2004-02-25 03:06:29
I love the marriage for all graphic - where'd you get that?
LA - 2004-02-25 07:51:55
Hey you whippersnapper! I caught what you said at Serena's. 30 is OLD? Your life is filling with coots and crones? You should be on your smooth young non-arthritic knees thanking the Almighty for bringing us fabulous babes to you. A whole lifetime of experience and wisdom at your disposal! Now while you're mulling that, bring me my shawl. It's chilly here in my rocking chair. Love, LA the Ancient Crone
Lauren - 2004-02-25 13:51:06
Yeah, what LA said! :P Just wait until YOU are 30... I can't wait! I want to read all about it.. if I'm not already living next to you, screaming at your kids (the dogs) to "get offa my lawn!" LOL (just kidding) And thank you for being my cheerleader. **hugs**
dev - 2004-02-25 14:12:26
you rock! i love everything you say...and thank you for the caloric details. i will just moderate all my booze, liquor and all. one or two drinks max. i don't need to get sloppy drunk. that's when i get all slutty and i hate when i come on to people. it's just tacky!
dev - 2004-02-25 14:15:42
30 is not old! AGEIST!
Winnie - 2004-02-25 16:36:30
I completely agree with everything you said about the gay marriage thing. I don't understand it either.

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Your Name:
Your Room Number at Shady Pines:

Let's Go Out on the Lanai - Miami