Back in St. Olaf:

karen - 2004-02-22 06:44:50
ohhh, i looove the HUB ballroom! i saw IG there in april for the honor the earth tour. it was funny, i ran right into amy in the store in the basement and she approched me! haha! who's stalking who? ;)
Sarah - 2004-02-22 07:55:06
YOU MET DAVID CROSS?! Son of a BITCH! Do you know how lucky you are? No, do you?! I hope you fucking appreciate it. Oh my God. Unbelievable.
LA - 2004-02-22 09:14:44
Cool beans! Your generosity and kindness were amply repaid. Glad you had fun. ~LA
dev - 2004-02-22 10:41:07
who is david cross?
dev - 2004-02-22 11:01:07
silly willy--i know you don't blow smoke up anybody's ass and that is why i love you!
dev - 2004-02-22 13:32:17
oh, you are so sweet! no one has ever called me white trach before! i take it as a HUGE compliment!
cosmicrayola - 2004-02-22 13:32:45
Yes, brain fart, Return of the King. Thanks for helping out an old lady
granolaspice - 2004-02-23 09:35:51
Okay, Courtney...I am really upset right now. I mean, David Cross!?! I have the world's biggest unexplainable crush on that man...we are constantly watching old episodes of Mr. Show & listening to "Shut up you fucking baby". I am so jumping out of my computer chair with jelousy that you saw him and met him...but if I find you pregnant with his weird athiest-jewish-bald-geeky children, there WILL be hell to pay!

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