Back in St. Olaf:

fargahar - 2004-02-13 12:03:17
I just love my comments section so much that sometimes I can't help but comment.
Inkdragon - 2004-02-13 12:24:32
I hear ya, I hear ya!
granolaspice - 2004-02-13 13:23:35
Okay, I'm a little behind and didn't check out creepy-guy's uber-icky website until this morning. EWWWWWWWW. Gross. I'm going to wash my brain out with soap now, to avoid thinking about that site. Also, thanks for the link to the petition...I emailed it to everyone in my contacts file as soon as I signed it!
DS - 2004-02-13 13:55:45
i am so fucking time for notes...i got your letter...loved it! will talk more...too many people wanting to book last minute travels...
Cruel-Irony - 2004-02-13 14:05:49
I swear you have the wackiest, and funniest, dreams. Love the cool whip one.
devian - 2004-02-13 14:59:30
binky, you are my favorite person. just wanted to share that on my second-long break. bye for now...
demi-orphan - 2004-02-13 15:12:51
Get laid? Get laid! If it were that easy I wouldn't be writing about it, now would I? Hon, I live is Sudbury. S U D B U R Y. And I'm gay. How big do you think the gay population is in Sudbury? I'll give you a hint, think panda bears 'cuz there bot endangered species! I love my Life... xox R.
Saladwhore - 2004-02-13 16:46:51
E-drama - what a perfect phrase. I love it!




There. I told 'em.

Picture It Sicily 1918:

Your Name:
Your Room Number at Shady Pines:

Let's Go Out on the Lanai - Miami