Back in St. Olaf:

LA - 2004-02-07 12:29:56
I'm stunned to discover you've had a reduction. I'm all about getting the girls in shape and would like to know more about your experience. Thanks. ~LA
devian - 2004-02-07 12:37:36
hey sweetie! <3 i do not fuck around--i cannot live out of boxes and must get my house in order within the first couple days i move in. don't get me wrong though, there are still a few things that needed to be put away, but all that is in the bf's brother's room. he isn't here yet, so his room is our junk room until he comes. :)
blair - 2004-02-07 12:42:21
i have sooo tried to shave my legs with the cap on the razor multiple times :). but gimme a break, morning + blair = bad.
jes - 2004-02-07 13:09:58
Alllllllll right... playboy in the bathroom. yeeeeeeeeaaah!!!
VD - 2004-02-07 13:16:40
darling, i want all the good and the bad things that come with marriage. i just want to be treated equally--whatever that ends up being. i don't want to be treated better, just the same.
VD - 2004-02-07 13:49:00
exactly...i don't see why people give a damn about other people and what they do. i guess it's human nature to put your nose where it doesn't belong and to focus on other people's lives so you don't have to focus on what a shit hole yours is in. it's much easier for most folks to talk shit, be hateful and attack others than to take responsibility for the mess they've created in their own existence.
Cruel-Irony - 2004-02-07 19:45:08
My grandparents kept their playboys on the coffee table in the livingroom. On another note, my main goal this weekend - well, besides all that "homemaking" bullcrap - is to get caught up on your diary. I'm so far behind on all my faves, but I thank you for all the comments. I appreciate every single one.

Picture It Sicily 1918:

Your Name:
Your Room Number at Shady Pines:

Let's Go Out on the Lanai - Miami