Back in St. Olaf:

serena (Of serenaville) - 2004-02-06 00:25:43
Private serena, reporting back, Ma'am. *smart salute* Just came from Devian's comments, mission accomplished. Hope you enjoy the rest of your trip, and return to base camp safely. Returning to my battalion and barracks now, if you need this troop again, just send a communique. *saluting again, turning on heel, lively marching out*
poppy - 2004-02-06 01:02:26
right you are ... right you are. & how boring life would be if that were the case, thanks for the note m'dear, it brought me a smile.
LA - 2004-02-06 09:45:38
Hey, you're quite welcome. Shopping is one of the few valuable things my mother taught me. Don't think I've paid full retail for anything EVER. ~LA
VD - 2004-02-07 14:17:40
i can't tell you why so many man are homophobic...i think it boils down to a inate fear of the unknown and maybe they feel that gay men challenge their sense of masculinity, therefore making them examine their own and not liking what they find. insecurity, perhaps. what REALLY boggles my mind are men who are intimidated by me being friends with their wives/girlfriends (and i'm not directing this at your husband, but men in general). it's like, how insecure can you be?!

Picture It Sicily 1918:

Your Name:
Your Room Number at Shady Pines:

Let's Go Out on the Lanai - Miami