Back in St. Olaf:

jes - 2004-01-30 16:33:27
Ok, how about Martinies? I dont really like rum and coke. and instead of pizza, we could have more Martinis....
sarah - 2004-01-30 16:42:37
Pizza? Alcohol? Pizza? Guy on guy action courtesy of Queer as Folk? Pizza? Friends? Pizza? Cute puppies and kittens? Pizza? Dude. Count me IN.
Lauren - 2004-01-30 16:50:17
I am SO in - I want to hang out and watch all that stuff and drink rum and coke! Now I want to stay at home tonight and eat pizza instead of going on my date....
fargahar - 2004-01-30 17:22:38
I am not partial to the martinis. How about cosmopolitans? Or straight vodka...I can do that too. :)
thisendup - 2004-01-30 18:55:41
oh this is lovely... i love the golden girls so much. when i was in miami i kept hoping i'd run into them.
devian - 2004-01-31 13:45:18
i would never fight with you over a couch...and i think renting our own apartment decorated like the g.g.'s is the bestest idea ever. david just doesn't understand our obsession. i'm sure peter bawks at it, too. yes, we need our own golden girls lair.

Picture It Sicily 1918:

Your Name:
Your Room Number at Shady Pines:

Let's Go Out on the Lanai - Miami