Back in St. Olaf:

Amy - 2004-01-13 14:57:12
I don't know what movie your entry title is from...but Mr. Heckles is from Friends. The apartment we lived in before where we live now must have been occupied by your Stompy McStompersons previously. Not only were they stompy...they were stompy all 24 hours of the day. 6am? Stompy. Noon? Stompy. 6pm? Stompy. 2-3am? Yep, still stompy. Not only that, but we think they also installed a bowling alley up there as they were constantly dropping large, heavy, iron, titanium, or other very dense items along with their stomping. We were happy to move.
Carrie - 2004-01-13 15:12:54
Woo-hoo - keep fighting! That's great. But, umm, didn't Mr. Heckles end up dying all old and alone? You don't want to end up that way. Well, actually that's not too bad. Alone, no asshole neighbors, and old is better than dying young, so yeah, go Mr. Heckles! Are you giving out movie clues? Happy Gilmore?
fargahar - 2004-01-13 16:36:07
The husband thinks that between the last 2 entries I sound like a bitch. Well he ate my food. He should have thought about what mood that would put me in before he did it, shouldn't he?
lap - 2004-01-13 17:25:11
And being a bitch about food-stealin husbands and pissy neighbors is a BAD thing? I'm not so sure myself. I hate that my downstairs neighbor smokes and now that it's winter and the windows are closed I can smell it through my floor sometimes. Not enough to complain, but enough to notice. But I did just complain, didn't I?
devian - 2004-01-13 17:46:16
please tell TH not to read my diary then...he will think i'm the biggest bitch on the planet and then you will look nice. wait--make him read it then.
thisendup - 2004-01-13 17:48:55
i honestly don't think that you sound like a bitch... it's all in perspective. he's probably worried that we're all plotting against him because we like you so much. as if. we'd only do that if you asked.
demi-orphan - 2004-01-13 23:20:31
Girl, I have the feeling that a lot more pisses you off in Life and that you were just holding back... I love you, girl, you gots some issues! :) BTW, how was QAF? Is Brian sexy as ever? Damn post-secondary education, it's seriously cutting into my soft-porn watching! / Hugs... Rodney.

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