Back in St. Olaf:

lap - 2004-01-02 11:06:40
Iron-on hem tape sister! Don't sew if you hate it. That's just wrong. Iron-on hem tape is good enough for curtains.
fargahar - 2004-01-02 18:46:24
Wow thanks. SOLD!! I did not eben know such a thing existed.
allie - 2004-01-02 23:27:10
Spelling is a must here me dear! You used "than" instead of "then" in this latest post. All in all nice new setup there Court. Hey guess who came and hung out on New Years with me, Butt Fairy's lil sis. We had a blast. Oh yeah and whoever gave you the iron on hem idea is brilliant, who is that??? Plus, I am upset that you haven't caught any home hole improvement ideas on trading spaces with all that you watch!

Picture It Sicily 1918:

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Your Room Number at Shady Pines:

Let's Go Out on the Lanai - Miami