Back in St. Olaf:

Trinity Sixty-Three - 2003-12-28 03:25:32
I'm with you she's a freak. So why do your neighbors hate you? Are you a bitch or something? :)
laura - 2003-12-28 09:35:31
I figure I'll just wait until I am rich enough to hire Laurie to decorate with me. Because I just don't have the kind of luck that would result in my dream of having Laurie decorate my room and getting to work with Genevieve. (I would also probably like working with Edward) Laurie always uses colors that I love, and that I would look great surrounded by. That would be my main critera. I would say- I want a room that when I'm in it, really flatters me. I think that's an admirable goal personally. I used to want to be Amy Wynn really bad, but I admit now, I'd rather be Leslie Segretti.(While You Were Out) She can sew as well as I can, so I'm halfway there. I almost always like the results on WYWO better than on TS these days too. And I am in love with Evan, who used to be in 2Ge+hR on MTV.
Saladwhore - 2003-12-28 14:54:28
The fake flowers on the bathroom walls had to be the worst ever. It was so fricking ugly!!! I like Vern's stuff and a lot of Frank's designs too (a lot of peple hate him.) I would LOVE to work with DOIUG because he is a hottie and I would pick on him and it would be fun! :-P I would not want Doug to touch a thing in my house though . . . And Laurie sucks, she does the same color palette every single time! *yawn*
ex-stripper - 2003-12-29 12:52:38
I don't know who is worse, Hilde or that red-head who paints everything yellow.

Picture It Sicily 1918:

Your Name:
Your Room Number at Shady Pines:

Let's Go Out on the Lanai - Miami