Back in St. Olaf:

spike - 2004-09-08 23:08:16
HAHAHH HAHAH HHAHAH! come to work with me, sweetie. you think the airport scene is bad?! try seeing the pre-airport scene aka people buying their tickets. yes, i deal with dumbasses. but i will admit it, i am one of them people (hee hee) who needs to be like the first one on the plane. i need my blanket and pillows, damnit (especially for international flights and even cross country flights). but there was no reason for that fatass to block you in on the 1.22 hour flight to see me...
Saladho - 2004-09-09 01:33:54
I always wonder WHY people are in the security line with their shoes off. I have been on 6 flights since 9/11 and not ONCE have they ever made me take my shoes off... Hmm. Maybe I look like I have smelly feet? I really don't . . .

People should give their toddlers a big dose of benedryl right before they get on the plane so the damn kid will SLEEP. My mom got to sit next to a lady with 2 such screaming toddlers on our way to Florida last spring. i think she has a scar on her knee from the kid kicking her.

Oh and wtf is with the first on the plane shit? I'm a lst call person. I ain't siting there breathing that filthy recycled air any longer than I have too.
Lauren - 2004-09-09 07:31:00
Dude - at least Fatty H. McFatterson didn't smash himself into the seat right NEXT to you! I saw some heinous seat violations (and hey, I'm allowed to say that because I'm fat) that I wouldn't have tolerated. It was bad enough that all my flights were filled to capacity (no empty seats at all!), but luckily I didn't have any screaming toddlers near me (they were there, though...) and no pukers. But you're right - people in airports are stupid. I'm glad you updated - I was thinking about you the other day wondering how you're doing. So, how you doin'? :)
Carrie - 2004-09-09 10:24:56
Heh. You're so right! I am not looking forward to bringing a baby who has never been like anywhere or around a lot of people, and who doesn't really know who the hell I am home on a flight from Guatemala. I just know she is going to throw a fit and I won't be able to comfort her or keep her quiet and everyone will think why did that crazy woman bring her baby to Guatemala and throw things at me. Ugh.
dev - 2004-09-09 14:14:35
oh dear, you are back! the vitamin c that has enriched my life for so long is back and in great form. i agree with this entry. i have a different kind of luck on flights--the screaming kid isn't NEXT to me, it is BEHIND me and it LOVES to kick my kidneys for the entire trip. i don't believe in using airplane bathrooms, so if i'm holding my urinary for the entire trip, let's just say kicking me in my aching kidneys makes me really mean and not be very nice to children.
Cabin-boy - 2004-09-09 15:29:35
Oh... NOW I remember why the Cap'n refuses to fly anywhere... :)
lap - 2004-09-09 15:34:33
The worst is flying with your own kids. Even if they aren't crying or anything. It just sucks.
Alyssa - 2004-09-11 14:43:28
Yes! Non-children flights! They should also have non-children restaurants, or at least nights where you can't bring your stupid, loud-ass kids out to eat. The other night, I was stuck at Cracker Barrel (if you don't know, it's one of those southern/southeastern restaurants where everyone eats while they're travelling), and I was seated next to a single mom with her FOUR KIDS. For God's sake. Either get take-out or make mac and cheese at home! That is all. Ciao!

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