Back in St. Olaf:

fargahar - 2004-09-23 02:06:39
Too lazy to edit: the wart is on left hand. Fitting that it is the ring finger that the wedding ring was previously on...and now wedding ring is gone. Perhaps that is what wart is angry about. Sorry wart. I am not staying married just for you.
spike - 2004-09-23 02:36:01
re the wart: in the words of emily, i love you, even with your warts. ;) re ashley: i dunno, honey. i just don't know. it's easy for me to say "don't let her put you down," or "don't let her get to you." but i dunno... you know my feelings on the matter. i guess when she's making you into a pile of mush, just remind yourself that she thinks amy and emily are (gasp!) ugly. seriously. and not to mention how she feels about me.... i love you, even with your wart and even with your "butch" watch. (which by the way is so not butch)
lap - 2004-09-23 10:52:04
I love men's and mannish watches, and since even though I am something of a she-hulk amazon (5'9") my wrists and ankles seem slim and delicate and so I inevitably smack an accessory that seems to overwhelm my wrist. AND ANY OTHER WAY IS WRONG. Oh Trudy. I love her. I just love Kerry Kinney ever since Viva Variety.
GranolaSpice - 2004-09-23 11:42:16 that's some good vitamin C! Thanks girl!
dev - 2004-09-23 12:12:24
i had an orgasm when i saw that cover art! i can't wait until nov 23!!! i will make the bf buy me that and an ipod for xmas!
Carrie - 2004-09-23 12:12:37
Yes, I go thru just as many baby wipes. It's the dogs, actually. That, and they work on everyting from taking off my makeup to getting the salsa stain out of my shirt, because you know, I can't eat salsa without dropping some on my right boob. Anyways, you're not alone. Much love on the big watch, too. Why wear a tiny one?
Cabin-boy - 2004-09-24 02:09:00
Yep... the Cap'n would die without a box of baby-wipes in the bedroom. O:) I'll make HIM explain why, but... O:) heh. Me, I go through boxes and boxes of those damn wet-wipes for the bathroom (Cottonelle, etc)... I find them useful for many many other things- like Carrie, the dog and cats get them used on 'em when they get nasty, or you can wipe off yer sweaty places so to speak, in the heat.
spikey - 2004-09-26 13:27:26
sweetie! help!!! my gmail is down so i can't email you, and i know you get your comments via email, so this is good enough. also, it's too early to call you (i'm about to take a nap myself. hee hee). i need help! i don't think my diary rings are showing on my blog. when you view it are they showing up on your browser, or is it my crapass computer? ummmm... what's wrong? grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

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