Back in St. Olaf:

dev - 2004-05-14 16:39:42
starfucker: someone obsessed with celebrities and celebrity status and thinks that knowing/fucking/hanging out with them makes them better/cooler. and i shouldn't have even told you THAT until you listened to my newest audblog. i'm offended. i did it for YOU! (runs away sobbing)
dev - 2004-05-14 17:06:50
i was waiting for you to give me your two cents and i sat waiting...centless. :( OF COURSE I KNOW YOU LOVE ME! now shut the fuck up and make me a pot pie.
elle-emme - 2004-05-14 20:14:23
it's hard to take those surveys and actually ADMIT that i'm "not good in groups" or whatever. sheesh!

Picture It Sicily 1918:

Your Name:
Your Room Number at Shady Pines:

Let's Go Out on the Lanai - Miami