Back in St. Olaf:

EH Adams - 2004-04-21 15:57:14
Bwahahahahaha. What a crackhead. Sounds like she needs to get therapy for herself and her cats. Hey, its almost Friday!
poppy - 2004-04-21 16:06:12
holy shite! how many cats are we talking about here? this list makes me feel incredibly negligent where my animals are concerned ... you're a brave girl courtney ;) beware the litter dust
Saladwhore - 2004-04-21 16:06:52
Oh. My. Fucking. God.

You poor, poor baby!
lap - 2004-04-21 16:13:57
I am starting to feel you are kidnapped by "the boys". This terrifies me to no end, Courtney. The funny thing about the Restaurant is that I was watching the all night marathon of season 1 on Sunday night and had a dream that I was a server there and Rocco and I had this intense flirtation where he acted like a little boy in love with the head librarian or the like. I woke up and laughed my head off.
Lauren - 2004-04-21 16:24:52
Oh. My. GOD. Dude, how do you deal with this lady? Does she pay THAT much??? LOL That is just beyond crazy...
The Husband - 2004-04-21 16:27:10
She's not making this shit up either. It's real-- I read it.
LA - 2004-04-21 17:08:09
Thank God they don't have kids. ~LA
Saladwhore - 2004-04-21 18:27:21
There is a reason why some people are infertile.
Trinity Sixty-Three - 2004-04-21 18:28:22
Oh my God -- I am sitting here shaking my head. Now what is she paying you to do this?
cloudy - 2004-04-21 18:39:29
"...snorting the water and aspirating while drinking." "...the dust aggravates their sinuses." Oh my fucking GOD! Those are the pussiest cats in the world & that lady is a true nut job. I feel for you.
Eve - 2004-04-21 20:25:33
Well, we all know that this lady is a whack job, but hey, at least those cats have the best care possible. Damn, I'm the shittiest cat mommy ever next to her. I wish someone would take care of me that well, lol.
Liv - 2004-04-21 21:46:10
I now know what hell would be like.
serena (Of serenaville) - 2004-04-21 22:13:30
This is me, reading that interminable list :O This is me, imagining how it would be, if that woman actually was AROUND children - not necessarily even her own :O This is me, still weirded out over the forty-five minute speakerphone call, with this list now on top of it all :O Finally, this is me picturing CrazyCatLady and AntInfestationLady having a throw down, and picturing whose pets would survive :O Quelle disturbing, all. I feel the need to shower, now. :O
serena, again - 2004-04-21 22:14:56
Wait... they're not one and the same person, are they?!? So weirded out. So confused. Blah. :/
cabin-boy - 2004-04-21 22:28:49
I'm with everyone else. OH MY GAWD. I can't imagine someone that whacky... I can't imagine coping with someone that whacky... *twitch* She rivals some of the strange people who come into the Cap'n's workplace needing meds. :P
Dawn - 2004-04-22 06:36:49
Good god!!! I hope you are getting paid handsomely for this job!!! And I really hope these people don't have children. I really pity any kids they may have!!!
Emiloo - 2004-04-22 08:37:37
Uh, I don't know how much she's paying you, but it can't be enough. Good LORD.
EX - 2004-04-22 14:36:28
I think you need to raise your rates.

Picture It Sicily 1918:

Your Name:
Your Room Number at Shady Pines:

Let's Go Out on the Lanai - Miami