Back in St. Olaf:

Saladwhore - 2004-04-18 16:20:23
It could be the Dimetapp. One of the active ingredients in it is also an appetite supressant. Or something.
cabin-boy - 2004-04-19 02:32:18
Dearest Fargahar: Have found your 11 pounds. Stop. Please retrieve them immidiately. Stop. Will offer huge reward. Stop. Butt cannot take any more wieght. Stop. In danger of extreme fatness. Stop. Do not 'lose' any more fat. Stop. Will attempt not to find it if you do- Stop. Signed, The Cabin-boy
allie - 2004-04-19 13:38:25
Are you going to do a new post anytime soon??? Normally you do too many for me to keep up, but now I am at work and I have time to read more as I wait for these damn reports to download. So say something funny already would you!!!!!
lap - 2004-04-20 17:11:04
The ants being on all food is the secret to weight loss, that and assuming that any food you put into your mouth will end up tasting like the smell of cat food. Dave and Carmen ruled on Marital Bliss, no?

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