Back in St. Olaf:

Saladwhore - 2004-04-06 02:29:34
I did that first...

PS - I'm glad you're not dead. :)
Jenn - 2004-04-06 09:56:55
Makes me wonder what you were reading to find out most prisioners have pen pals. LOL!!
cabin-boy - 2004-04-07 04:14:21
I had a dream like that last night- that the dog REALLY had to pee, and that the Cap'n kept screwing around getting ready to walk her, and she kept doing the pee-dance... untill finally when he went to the door, she had peed by it. :P Do you know how big a puddle of Rottie-pee is? It's no wonder I wanted to smack him when I woke up. ;)

Picture It Sicily 1918:

Your Name:
Your Room Number at Shady Pines:

Let's Go Out on the Lanai - Miami