Back in St. Olaf:

Saladeatinggeekwhodoesn'twatchsouthpark - 2004-04-01 00:44:15
Wanna come on MSN?
Splinter - 2004-04-01 07:37:32
You're so lucky you even get Queer as Folk... some of us (okay, maybe just me) have to rent it to see it!
Jenn - 2004-04-01 08:22:54
Are you sure it's not Season 4 of QAF you saw spoilers for. Season 3 is in stores now!! Weird!!
The Husband - 2004-04-01 09:55:22
HA HA HA I couldn't resist a little April Fool's prank. Love you. ;o) P.S. That's actually you comments page on that computer. hee hee
lap - 2004-04-01 09:56:25
I thought of you repeatedly last night. #1-while watching 'Dude, Where's my Car' and seeing your sweetie from QAF as Zoltan! #2-constantly during the whole episode of South Park wishing I had you on the phone while dying over crazy Mel Gibson. #3-When they mentioned Baseketball cause we both probably liked it.
cabin-boy - 2004-04-01 12:24:26
Heh heh... I love South Park. I shouldn't- it's probably some kind of sin or something to ever find it funny... but damn. Sometimes it IS. O:) ...on Dog Training though, I happen to be pretty darn good. *GRIN* If you wanna work with your dogs a little, I can offer some ideas. You are right tho, Pugs are much much harder to train than many breeds- but Pointers can be a challenge too, so you obviously can train! You just haven't hit on the little stuff yet- like the cold nose thing. :P UGH!
not-tuesday - 2004-04-01 14:34:50
Hahaha! The Husband is awesome. Great prank, I love it too.

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Your Name:
Your Room Number at Shady Pines:

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