Back in St. Olaf:

Pandionna - 2004-03-29 14:14:05
It's the end of the month. He needed to make his quota. I'm curious: Why the law about the trash bag?
Trinity Sixty-Three - 2004-03-29 14:27:49
There really are no quotas -- it's called an expected work out put. There have never been quotas. Sorry you got a ticket -- guess you shouldn't speed? That's what the judge told me when I when I went to court. If you go to court and the cop doesn't show up they throw the ticket out -- and at least you get it slashed in half. We have a litter bag law here in Oregon as well.
Dawn - 2004-03-30 07:25:15
Damn, that sucks!! That's a rather strange law about having a trash bag in the car. Never heard of that one....
Splinter - 2004-03-30 07:43:40
What? You need a trash bag in your car? That's what the backseat's for. Geez. Even cops know to put trash in their backseat... hmm..
Pandionna - 2004-03-30 09:36:40
I don't know about Washington state, or what Trinity said, but the cop I used to date said there were "revenue targets" that had to be met. That's a quota.
Lauren - 2004-03-30 10:22:36
Hmm, I think you got pulled over by the same cop that pulled me over 8 years ago. He said the EXACT same thing, "Well, you're getting a ticket today." Ass. Oh, and I saw your comment to Serena about "Ghetto Dip." Damnit, now I'm craving some Fritos and Ghetto Dip. YUM.
purplecigar - 2004-03-30 13:23:53
Exsqueeze me? You have to have a TRASH BAG in your car? At all times? Is it so you will have convenient, easy clean-up when you hack up a hitchhiker? How very kind of Washington's legislature to help out in such a way. Wonder what's next? Mandatory wood chippers for every household!
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