Back in St. Olaf:

Saladwhore - 2004-03-25 00:30:59

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Or - have you seen my nipple?

Lost: 1 perfectly good nipple. If found, call Courtney . . .


Hey, your MB is all wonky, what the heck happened? :-\
fargahar - 2004-03-25 00:32:36
I DON'T KNOW!!!!! I am not liking this whole message board thing.......
lap - 2004-03-25 08:36:49
Or: Nipple? and an arrow pointing to nothing. Gawd Courtney I love you...
me again - 2004-03-25 13:06:28
I'm glad you didn't pay for that board, it is screwing you in the ass. :-( I have no clue what's up either, don't feel bad. It's not you. It's those EZ Board fuckers. I've used their damn boards for 4 years and have never seen anything like this . . . maybe a different board would be a better choice? I've heard proboards are good . . . *shrug* I really love the idea, I want it to work!
cabin-boy - 2004-03-27 01:00:11
oh GAWD... that's awesome. I always swore if I lost sensation in part of my anatomy i'd finally get a tattoo... I have a spot next to my belly button now, that's just totally nerve-less... the Cap'n suggested a belly button ring- but I thought it might be amusing to just have one tattooed there. ;) I never will, but... hey. A guy can dream. I'm too big a WUSS for a tattoo.

Picture It Sicily 1918:

Your Name:
Your Room Number at Shady Pines:

Let's Go Out on the Lanai - Miami