Back in St. Olaf:

not-tuesday - 2004-03-18 01:52:08
They look better but they don't look like Brad Pitt.
Commenting Salad Eating Whore - 2004-03-18 01:52:44
Those guys on that MTV show were NASTY. Before and after! Yeah, fix the acne, that alone would improve their looks. Now they just have girly hair and big plastic teeth. Eww.
Inkdragon - 2004-03-18 06:38:38
Wow! They hardly look like the same kids.
lap - 2004-03-18 08:35:17
In a way, I liked the guys better in that sniveling weasels mode. I think the nose jobs did the most improvement, but the one twin who got additional work- wasted his money in my book. They will hit it big if there's ever a movie made of the Ray Davies story or any biopics of the Kinks. It's like they went from weasels to the level of the older brother in the MmmBop band. Nice improvement,not. (I am so visiting you just to watch movies for a week. A Mighty Wind 4 times...I love you...)
lap - 2004-03-18 10:44:52
I am in total agreement on disco comments. That note yesterday rocked my freaking day- courtney. It's that recognition thing. It's nicer when everything's mutual. Disco is king is all I can say. Even if he wasn't popular.
Commenting Salad Eating Whore - 2004-03-18 16:57:37
They looked like Beavis and Butthead before and like Hanson after! LLLLLLLLLMMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! OMFG that is funny!
Chelsea - 2004-03-18 17:11:43
i totally agree! i watched that last night and thought they would look fine if they got rid of the acne. To me after they looked gay.

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