Back in St. Olaf:

Sarah - 2004-03-17 04:04:07
Your crib is Phat with a capital P. I love the Lucy bathroom. Which wall is the one the McStompersons pound on? You know...when they're yelling at you to keep it down, even though you aren't making noise?
fargahar - 2004-03-17 04:09:30
McStompersons pound/stomp on the ceiling
not-tuesday - 2004-03-17 04:21:26
You have an awesome place. That Lucy bathroom is great!
LA - 2004-03-17 06:23:42
Hey! Congrats on 500! And thanks for the virtual tour. Always fun to see other people's digs. BTW, I have the Vitameatavegamin poster in my kitchen. I love Lucy too. ~LA
Boxx - 2004-03-17 08:24:15
500! 500! 500! Hooray for Dairyland Cribs. I love the idea. I think you've started something here. I LOVE all your animals. Too, too cute. The *cave* is priceless. (and your house looks really clean)
Inkdragon - 2004-03-17 08:27:29
Spritopias has a Diaryland Cribs all started. You should enter yours! Happy St. Patty's Day.
Lauren - 2004-03-17 08:40:23
Damn, woman! I'm movin' in with YOU. Your place kicks ass! :) And it's so clean and organized .. bitch. LOL Hmm, maybe I should do a Cribs tour of my 1 bedroom apartment... hmmm.. Thanks for the insight into your abode. Love it!
Kristina - 2004-03-17 09:19:15
I love your house! Especially the kitchen, it very cool and I love that color!
Pandionna - 2004-03-17 09:49:51
I love the colors! The ceiling treatment above the bed is nice, too. And...I have the same treadmill. Happy 500th!
Emiloo - 2004-03-17 09:55:01
I love the place! It's so cool. I keep intending to post pictures of my house, but it's never clean enough.
Jenn - 2004-03-17 10:16:36
Very COOL! Killer COOL!! Love the idea!! Love the colors and all your furry friends!! They look great. Congrats on 500... lets see what you do for your #1000th!! :0)
Amy - 2004-03-17 10:39:53
Your crib is pretty big for a condo! I was picturing a tiny space. But even the cats have their own room! Yay! How come the dogs don't?
serena (Of serenaville) - 2004-03-17 11:00:30
How refreshing to take a pictorial tour of a place I'm not looking to purchase! To get such a glimpse into your private space is quite a pleasant surprise, and rather fitting for such a milestone entry! Congratulations on 500! I just passed 100 entries without so much as a whimper. Now I feel kind of lame. Heh. And the Lucy bathroom?? Fabulous!! P.S. Mook has workout equipment stowed in his office too. I've called it his "cave" myself, from time to time!! :D
Eve - 2004-03-17 11:26:26
Awesome Cribs entry! I enjoyed seeing your home, and LOVED the notes you added to the photos. I have to do that for my new place, that is, if I ever get it set up to my liking, and then of course, it has to be spotless before I take pictures. Your husband's "office" kind of has that Clean Sweep look BEFORE the Clean Sweep crew gets to it. LOL Anyhow, thanks for sharing the pix.
Commenting Salad Eating Whore - 2004-03-17 13:40:53
Hey I like the paint. And all the wood. It seems peaceful and relaxing. Damn there's a lot of pugs in that chair. So much for peaceful and relaxing. :p
lap - 2004-03-17 15:01:13
The green. I am drawn so to the green. I forgot to mention that the Scott thing happened on Sunday, and so your cuz might have cooked them breakfast on Sunday.
Tricia - 2004-03-17 16:07:58
I love your pictures! I also love the colors you chose for your walls. (It's so pointless to paint an apartment. *sigh*) Anyway, I'll talk to you when I get back from Ireland! Love ya!!
Trinity Sixty-Three - 2004-03-17 16:47:17
Loving your house:) Love the wood floors:)
thea - 2004-03-17 21:03:38
the kitchen and bathroom are 2 DIE for!! and thanks for leaving me that note, sweets. i might not commnet a lot...but i'm always here (my stats show it...really!)
devian - 2004-03-17 21:17:13
i love your house. when can i move in? i'll live in the cat room and use the lucy bathroom.
cabin-boy - 2004-03-17 23:37:41
OOoh! I'm so jealous!! Your place ROCKS... the wood floors, the awesome blue and green walls... wow. How do you keep it so... pristine? No clutter!! ...ooh, I wonder if you hire out to de-clutterize? O:) hee hee hee
Christopher - 2004-03-18 15:30:55
Thanks for contributing to Diary Land Cribs. It's the bomb diggity.
Christopher - 2004-03-18 15:55:27
It's all posted and included.
allie - 2004-03-18 16:30:20
yeah i like it too

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