Back in St. Olaf:

Pandionna - 2004-03-15 15:01:18
Yes. Consenting ADULTS should be able to marry whomever and how-many-ever they would like to. Although one husband is MORE than enough for me! ;-)
ex-stripper - 2004-03-15 15:05:11
I know a lot of people in relationships that have some degree of openness. I think it's a beautiful idea. But, I have NEVER seen it work out in a healthy way for all involved.
ex-stripper - 2004-03-15 15:07:21
I feel really strongly about that right now, because it hit a nerve.
Liv - 2004-03-15 15:33:07
If you support gay marriage you are supporting the legal union between two legal adults (same-sex or opposite-sex). Polygamy is illegal as it is the union of multiple legal adults. Thus, if you support gay marriage you are not supporting polygamy. They are two completely different issues. Gay marriage does not support changing the amount of people allowed to be married to eachother, only changing the verbiage to reflect that people of the same-sex can marry one another too. I'm not so into the idea of polygamy myself, as it often is the result of religious practices where there is one man and his harem of wives--not so good for women. Just putting in my two cents. Take it or leave it!
Saladwhore - 2004-03-15 16:36:40
Liv beat me to it. I don't get what gay marriage has to do with polygamy AT ALL.
fargahar - 2004-03-15 16:39:45
I have always been against polygamy because of its degradation of women. But when I was reading that in another diary I was thinking, "Am I being fair? Is it right to say who should get married at all..?" That was all. my tendency is to be aganst polygamy because I do not feel that not allowing you to marry several people makes you feel like a second class citizen whereas not allowing gay marriage does.
cosmicrayola - 2004-03-15 17:00:28
I also, think they are two seperate issues. I believe in marraige between two people. Same sex marraige is two people. I support that issue. I wouldn't like to see polygamy. Then you would, first of all, be multiplying the population at a dangerous rate and the children would be raised in a communal - like setting. Also, in this day and age of deadbeat dads, can you imagine a guy leaving state and abandoning 15 to 20 children or more? The states would go bankrupt within the year trying to feed and cloth them. I could go on and on but I's stop now. That just scared the shit out of me thinking about it!
cabin-boy - 2004-03-16 00:58:55
You're right, changing the gender 'requirement' for marriage (which really leaves people born 'gender ambiguous' or 'intersexed' in a BAD place anyway) does nothing to alter or even imply altering the number of people you can be married to at one time. That's still one, because there are other laws involved in it.
cabin-boy - 2004-03-16 01:02:06
That said (ooh, two comments. i'm goin' to diaryland hell for that!) I'd say polygamy is a not just a whole can of worms socially, but legally- imagine for a moment, two people, married to a third- one wants a divorce... it's simple enough except that then you have to find an equitable way to divide the property (and DEBTS) equitably... it's the debts that will make people flinch. ;) So. I don't see polygamy happening anytime soon- even tho personally, I don't give a crud. :) Marry who you like, however many you like. :) It's all good, as long as you're actually marrying them. ;) Not just playing 'shack up' which herto 'married' folks do all the time anyway- so? Nothing new there.
dev - 2004-03-16 13:55:52
your cult is right. gay marriage and polygomy have NOTHING to do with each other, just like gay marriage has nothing to do with beastiality (the right's argument that allowing gay marriage opens marriage to polygomy and beatiality).

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