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Tom - 2004-03-15 07:09:44
Can I give two? I tell ya, it's hard to top the ORIGINAL "Bedazzled", with Dudley Moore and Peter Cooke. Very witty word play that I always enjoy. And...I'm almost ashamed to say...I laugh like the idiot I am every time I pop "The Powerpuff Girls Movie" in the DVD player. Yup. That's the level of humor I love. But if you've never seen it.....
Jenn - 2004-03-15 08:45:21
I'm giving 2... The Breakfast Club, I still laugh them to this day, I just get sucked into that movie even if I flip the channel and the last 10 minutes are on, I'll watch it. Then it's Austin Powers movies.. yes all of them so far. Love them love them.
Dawn - 2004-03-15 20:58:07
Yes!!! I am the same way about Porky's and Porky's 2. I'm 35 years old, and still love them now as much as I did 20 years ago. I just love that juvenile shit!!!! Haven't seen Old School yet, but plan to soon.

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