Back in St. Olaf:

Comment Whore - 2004-03-08 20:26:18
A doggie beach??? OMFG I wanna dog so badly now!

You need a stroller for all those pooches, Mom. *snicker*
Carrie - 2004-03-08 21:24:18
That was too cute! (um, in a good way!) They acted like you weren't with you! Ha! A dog beach sounds incredible, lucky you!
cabin-boy - 2004-03-08 22:50:19
ooooh, a doggie beach? cool!! I wonder if Bertha likes water? O:) I'm jealous- even four little doggies would be easier to bathe than one big FAT one. ;) I'm gunna be paying the groomer for dog baths for the rest of my life. ;)

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