Back in St. Olaf:

Amy - 2004-03-02 19:11:38
Comments, comments, comments! hee
fargahar - 2004-03-02 19:18:38
I even like leaving myself comments.
cabin-boy - 2004-03-02 22:21:56
You'll ALWAYS get more comments by leaving a clearly labeled comment section that invites them. I know, I know, I am SUCH a wussy- but somehow, I don't think your button exactly gave me the impression you liked to GET comments... O:) But hey, I'm all for comments! yay comments!!
Salad Eating Bunny Lover - 2004-03-03 00:09:01
Well I leave you loads of comments - but I don't have comments because I am so very, very po'. I didn't even pay for my Gold membership. Cruel-Irony did. She's mah herooooo....
lap - 2004-03-03 08:47:12
I love comments sections too, but I am too cheap to have one. But I realized that, not long ago, I would hear from you maybe as often as daily, if I did have one. Because comments are so less formal than notes- and guestbooks just suck, right? Yep.

Picture It Sicily 1918:

Your Name:
Your Room Number at Shady Pines:

Let's Go Out on the Lanai - Miami