Back in St. Olaf:

Amy - 2004-03-02 18:14:39
I forgot to tell you that I agree that Christopher Meloni is a yummy dish. Mmmmmm Law & Order! Scrubs! Alas I do not have HBO or cable so I am not able to see his full frontalness on OZ. I did not even know such a thing exhisted until your indie blog alerted me. Hmmm...must rent DVDs.
fargahar - 2004-03-02 18:17:54
Oh you must rent it. (I recommend all seasons but if you are particularly interested in the full frontalness of Mr. Meloni then skip to Season 2.)
Lauren - 2004-03-02 21:58:27
$232 to Columbus isn't bad! Hey, I'd be willing to cough up a bit if it would help. Maybe I can coerce some money out of Tim the rich pug guy? LOL Hmm...I'll work on it. You know what you could do too? I see a lot of diarists putting up Paypal links in their diary -maybe you could do that? With as many readers as you have, I'm sure someone would puke up a little here and there? I'm sure you could be persuasive! You need to come out!!

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