Back in St. Olaf:

dev - 2004-03-02 15:39:16
how do you always find the coolest people on diaryland? chubby chic's diary is that means i must add her to my list of diaries to stalk. scratch that. i meant: READ! tee hee hee (don't tell my probation officer!)
fargahar - 2004-03-02 15:43:04
I find all the cool people because all I do ALL DAY is sit on the computer reading blogs/diaries/journals and whatever the hell else people want to call them.
lap - 2004-03-02 16:45:45
Well. Adebisi is evil, and who isn't drawn to evil? I am still convinced that is one of the best portrayals on TV, and can't understand how that actor never got even nominated for a Golden Globe. Of course, none of Oz ever did (as far as I know) and that's so wrong. Shirley Bellinger will always be one of my fave characters too- the episode when she picks her execution is just chilling and brilliant. No such thing as too much Oz. I know there couldn't be sex in your prison dreams because otherwise you would be so telling us all about your penis.
fargahar - 2004-03-02 17:13:51
True if there was sex, I would be talking about it....Devian would kill me if I didn't. He loves prison sex.
dev - 2004-03-02 17:29:17
oh, sweetie! get your ass out to michigan the same time i'm going and we can ALL meet up together. how mean would that be to NOT meet up with lauren if i'm in the area (which i never go to!) now how mean would that be? huh? you tells me.
Lauren - 2004-03-02 17:33:18
Honey - get your ass out to Ohio then!! Or Michigan, either one! You need a vacation!
Amy - 2004-03-02 17:58:53
And on your way, you would have to stop over in MN...especially since we may not be here much longer. Hee!

Picture It Sicily 1918:

Your Name:
Your Room Number at Shady Pines:

Let's Go Out on the Lanai - Miami