Back in St. Olaf:

Masked Mofo - 2004-02-26 11:41:05
Go tell it on the mountain, sistah! Movie Popcorn rules, crucifiction movies don't. Plain and simple. BTW, I'll be that dude in the spandex, afro-wig and mask in the 23rd waiting room of hell. See ya there. ::smiles::
Trinity Sixty-Three - 2004-02-26 12:19:16
Well maybe to you Christ is fiction, but to millions he's very real. And some people who see the movie want to make sure the last 12 hours of his life are portrayed accurately. The other controversy is that some thing that the Jewish people are portrayed unfairly. I haven't seen it yet so I don't know. I am not sure I can sit through that carnage. I mean I didn't have to sit through Shindlers list to know that 6 million Jews were killed. You know? It boils down to what you believe. If you believe the bible is a work of fiction and full of mythology then of course Christ would be a myth to you too.
the hour - 2004-02-26 13:04:36
my boss went to see the movie a couple of nights ago. she grew up christian and said that it was very moving and emotional. very graphic, but also kept with everything that she has ever learned/read. and she didn't come away from the movie feeling like it was anti-semitic at all.
but i'm with you. i don't believe in any of that in the least. the bible is a popular work on fiction in my eyes. i'm sure it's interesting, but not my cup o' tea. so i won't be seeing it either. can you imagine the people that were in the theater when that lady died?? i bet they'll never forget going to see that movie. so sad.
Tom - 2004-02-26 13:15:19
That's why the only movie I saw last year was "The Powerpuff Girls Movie". It was the only one based on fact. But yeah, how 'bout that broad keeling over during the screening? She went from seeing Jesus on the big screen to seeing Him in real life in one swift second (if you believe that sort of stuff). I'm guessing she'll be disappointed when she gets up there. "Jesus, Jesus. You look like Hell. That Hollywood Jesus was a HOT-TAY! Wave your magic wand and get some muscle tone going, willya? You've been sitting on that damn throne too long...." Wheeee!
Salad Eating Bunny Lover - 2004-02-26 13:20:52
OMG Tom is gonna make me choke and die! ROTFLMAO!!! Oh my lord . . .

Meh - jesus, shmesus. *shrug*

Anyhoo, here is that toip secret URL I promised ya - you are in like Flynn, sista. Apply for membership and I believe you'll get an email when you're approved, okie dokie? :)
The Husband - 2004-02-26 14:45:18
Did I mention how much I love you??
dev - 2004-02-26 15:40:59
jesus CHRIST! this movie coming out makes me want to speak in tongues (shahalamakalakdlaallaldjlflalkalk)! i'm so excited to see it because crucifixion is HOT with TWO T's! (HOTT!) i can't wait to see about the man who made martydom so sexy!

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