Back in St. Olaf:

dev - 2004-02-25 14:30:04
i'm taking things one step at a time, VC! first, i cut out soda, coffee and all other caffeine, and bad snacks and then i start polishing my food intake. pot pies are the least of my problems, trust me.
serena (Of serenaville) - 2004-02-25 14:39:36
Wow. I never, ever thought I would say this... but am I ever glad that I am *12* years older than you! That, and the fact that all I did was playfully threaten to drub you with my cane. Far be it from me to feel all pompously superior and worldly wise just because I am over 30. I would never presume to assume someone doesn't know as much as I do, just because they are in their 20's. There's plenty whippersnappers out there who will know a hell of a lot more than this old fart will. All in all, it doesn't stop me from feeling ancient because you're even younger than my baby brother. We're nearly ten years apart in age. Sorry. Just remember: "I come in peace, but don't wish to leave in pieces!!" Meddle not in the affairs of Fargahar, for thou art elderly, and taste good with Metamucil!! :D
Pandionna - 2004-02-25 14:41:27
Honey, life begins at 30. :::ducking:::
dev - 2004-02-25 14:42:21
i am excited about turning 30! i am excited about turning 40, 50 and 60. not so much 70.
Lauren - 2004-02-25 15:05:45
I'm just laughing at all these comments. :) You know I love ya, and I don't care how old you are! And I fully expect you to tease the shit out of me when I turn 30 (I'm not there yet!!), as it doesn't bother me at all. I'm looking forward to it, actually because I hear good things about the 30's. And Dev, I was totally laughing when I saw your comment about being excited, but "not so much 70" comment!
Salad Eating Bunny Lover - 2004-02-25 15:11:04
*blinks* I'm 12 years older than you too, but uhhh . . . I kinda feel like we're the same? *shrug* I hope I never said anything ageist to you and if I did I'm sure I was just teasin'! For the record, I lie all the time and tell people I am 25 instead of 35. Usually they gasp and say "No way! I never would have thought you were that old!" Ba ha ha ha ha ha!!!! I love that. It's good to have a baby face. :-D

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