Back in St. Olaf:

The Husband - 2004-02-22 13:58:20
And now people live in a mass delusion that eating bacon wrapped ham and cheese is a fucking DIET. Good luck with that. Who eats bacon with pancakes? That's just nasty.
dev - 2004-02-22 14:22:11
"help...we're trembling with fear...HELP! the ending is near...we're dreading armegeddon may disrupt our career...and though he may refuse the news we bring...we must be off to warn the KIIINNNNNNGGGGGG!"
dev - 2004-02-22 14:34:08
TH, i actually don't eat pork, BUT, i will ONLY eat it at breakfast time now and i eat it with...french toast! it actually tastes good with sweet, yummy syrup...yum...
lap - 2004-02-22 16:02:31
I am trying SO hard not to be jealous that you are watching OZ right now. All I can think of is Chris Meloni's devilish smile...damn. I'm jealous, no avoiding it.
dev - 2004-02-22 16:11:52
what's OZ? is that a police drama?
Salad Eating Bunny Lover - 2004-02-22 23:35:10
I like my pancakes with STRAWBERRIES!!! Actually, pecan pancakes from Cracker Barrel are my favorite pancake ever. Bacon is just greasy and gross - I don't like it. Turkey bacon on a BLT is good though.

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