Back in St. Olaf:

Saladho - 2004-02-21 00:10:38
I absolutely love that kid.
Captain Jim - 2004-02-21 00:19:33
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I love that guy. He's a hoot. Bravo for him! You know he got a record deal from some indy label? The Captain
dev - 2004-02-21 13:51:18
yes, i realize that comparing them is very bad for not only THEM but for ME emotionally...thank you for your input, Mrs. Bossy Pants. :-P you know i loves you...i loves you--god knows i do--but i'll kill you dead 'for I let you beat me.
dev - 2004-02-21 13:52:37
re: captain jim's statement saying that guy got a record deal...that is EXACTLY why i'm so bitter against the music industry. so many people strive for label recognition and get none (when they have talent) and then some idiot comes along and gets a contract just because he's funny. zero talent. i'm bitter!
dev - 2004-02-21 14:03:36
i imagine myself singing drunken kareoke covers and having you be the only person in the audience, clapping like crazy, while the janitors sweep up and some bum in the corner pukes all over himself.
Rose - 2004-02-21 14:06:57
1) what the fuck is up with the comments counter not working? 2) did you tell me what you think of the new comments section? i'm not sure 3) you're right about everything you say all the time because you are the Queen and i bow at your precious feet.
Salad Eating Bunny Lover - 2004-02-21 17:01:30
Well I like William and all but I wouldn't go as far as buying a CD of his, sorry.

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