Back in St. Olaf:

dev - 2004-02-18 16:44:15
what you said makes me want to lavish that much more love onto the new kitty we will get. you're right though--i don't know why people think of pets as being so disposable, like last night's douche. they're babies and i wish i could take them all home.
Inkdragon - 2004-02-18 16:46:38
My three Border Collies are rescues from different circumstances. My most damaged boy is named Jax and he was beaten so severely if someone moves quickly or picks up a stick or broom, he loses his mind squirming on the floor to get away. He watches my every move, when I leave the room he follows, when I go upstairs to the bathroom he comes along. If he follows, the other two must come along. I don't mind, but it does make me walk with little tiny strides with three dogs constantly hovering around my feet. Luckily, we've created a system for going up the stairs, there were many collisions and falls before everyone picked which side of me they were traveling!
Bunny Luvvah! - 2004-02-18 16:52:51
Yeah, when we adopted Bekkah and Chloe, Bek had been a stray bunny living on the southside of Chicago. Someone found her in some neighborhood around 63rd Street and they were able to catch her and bring her to the AWL in Chicago Ridge. That's exactly why I adopted her too. She was so scared when we first brought her home but within a week she bonded to me and has pestered me to death ever since! She would get scared though if I just left the room. So after we had her a few months and she'd adjusted, I just started telling her everyday that I love her and she is my forever bunny. I swear it has helped! She still follows me around and things, but she's not so clingy and needy. She is also the happiest bunny I have ever had! She runs and darts about, dancing and leaping and doing binkies all over the place. It's so funny! I think she knows how good she has it and is grateful to have a home and humans and a bunny friend who all love her.

Chloe had a home before, but she was only at the animal shelter for two hours when we walked in and chose her. She has never been clingy at all, she's the opposite. We are her slaves and we must bow to all of Chloe's bunny whims. She is such a character!

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