Back in St. Olaf:

devian - 2004-01-27 17:08:43
they are so cute! i want a terrier! they are precious! <3
devian - 2004-01-27 17:09:51
"the lonliness of a one-night stand is hard to take"
devian - 2004-01-27 17:10:27
(anything from Bella Donna rocks! "after the glitter fades" is one of the very few songs that will make me sob)
karen - 2004-01-27 17:12:21
omg, i love chihuahuas!!! sooo cute!
sarah - 2004-01-27 17:13:43
You have more strength than I if you could give up those two cuties. Speaking of Brynn, how come she never updates her diary???
Saladwhore - 2004-01-27 19:22:06
Not to make you feel bad, but they probably used your $650 to buy more puppies to sell. :-( (I don't mean that in a bitchy way - I know your heart is in the right place - it's just weak.)

The PetCo near us sells bunnies. This is a big deal because some CEO head honcho dude of PetCo promised the House Rabbit Society that PetCo stores would stop selling rabbits. But because PetCo is some sort of franchise or whatever, some of them still do. Including the one in Orland Park. I made the mistake once of going in and looking at the bunnies. (OMG they had an English lop - the ones whose ears lay across the floor they are so long and gorgeous.) I will not allow myself in there ever, ever again and I REFUSE to ever give them a cent of my money.

It's called willpower, hon. I know it's hard, but just try to stay away from the critter selling places. I know you can do it.

rainingdream - 2004-01-27 20:45:33
Awwwh! Those pups are so cute! I would've never been able to give them up!

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