Back in St. Olaf:

karen - 2004-01-26 16:12:10
yah for the word of the day! fucktard is one of my personal faves!
Jenn - 2004-01-26 16:26:15
No... I meant the actor! The old guy. I love his voice. Talk to me baby... yaaaaaa!! :0) I know.. I know I need help.
devian - 2004-01-26 16:51:01
i fucking hate russell crow. he just sucks. fucktard is a good word. it packs a punch. like my cunt does.
Saladwhore - 2004-01-26 18:06:21
Pour the Pepto into the dog food like they do in Moonlight Mile. I mean, if it works in the movies . . . ;o)
Rodney - 2004-01-26 18:06:50
Honey, I'm sending you an e-hug because I think you need it. Refering to people, pets, and things as 'Fucktards' is usually a cry for help. :) / 93 blogs daily, huh. Wow. You are one commited diarylander ...but that's part of your charm! It makes my day to get a note from you. I recommend you erase those who don't take the time to communicate with you because they should! You rock and milk shakes! Later... R.
devian - 2004-01-26 18:28:54
i so hate people who "touch" me. this guy had this hand on my lower back and that's practially my ASS! too close for his own good. if his hand had moved one more half inch, i would have stabbed him. yes, i also love stabbing.
devian - 2004-01-26 18:33:50
oh, definately! i was meaning people i don't know...if i love you or really like you, you are allowed to touch me. it's ok then. but random STRANGERS. watch out. i sometimes carry a box cutter on me and i'm not afraid to use it.
Saladwhore - 2004-01-26 19:48:34
I'd stab anyone who touched my ass, whether I know them or not. I'm all "ewww!" about ass touching!

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