Back in St. Olaf:

Saladwhore - 2004-01-26 04:12:04
Yeah Leo as a brunette did not work for me either. He's become really manly and handsome the past couplke years (in my opinion) but that dark hair was so not him! It's for his latest film, I'm assuming.

And why did the fuckers at NBC show Bill Macy EVERY time Seabiscuit was mentioned? Yes, he had a small role, yes he had a nomination tonight and yes he was excellent in the film! But Chris Cooper and Jeff Bridges were both definitely there as well and they never showed them! Where the fuck was my Tobey? I'm thinking the dorkus cameraman thought Macy was Maguire because of the red hair thing . . . . . . BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! That's hilarious if it's true. Except I wanted to see Tobey. :-(

My Mom claims she saw Tobey dancing on the red carpet. *what the fuck* I highly doubt that...
The Salad-Ho Again - 2004-01-26 04:13:13
Oh yeah my bunnies are the cutest things ever, you are so right! :p
The Salad-Ho Yet Again - 2004-01-26 04:17:10
Dude - this was your 300th entry! What the hell, I've been here over a year and YOU have 100 more entries than me! LOL!
fargahar - 2004-01-26 04:22:00
Wow it was. Kewl! I'd like to thank the Hollywood Foreign would like to thank everyone who made this possible. Andrew, thank you for Diaryland, even though the customer service is shitty. I would also like to thank all 36 people who have listed me as favorites. Especially captvfirefly...her diary was the first one I ever read and it really inspired me. I would also like to thank my new friend, Devian for inspiring me beyond words. Lastly, I would like to thank the husband because without whom I would not have at least 54% of my material.
ex-stripper - 2004-01-26 04:53:57
I'm just thrilled that Angels finally got some fucking respect. Oh and I hate the rattail too. It had better be for a movie, though I do disagree with you about renee's body, I covet her Chicago frame, I remember how fun it was to look like that *sniff* Ok enough of my insecurity on your diary, carry on.
Jenn - 2004-01-26 08:28:08
**I'd do Jack Nickolas any day.**
Kristina - 2004-01-26 09:52:35
Oh, that was just the perfect recounting of last night's show. Yeah, Al...can he still be a respected actor with that thing? Why please tell me did the one guy from Angels in America not get nominated? The main guy at that - Justin Kirk! Travesty! Charlize Theron is so beautiful it just kills me. And Mary-Louis Parker had a baby two and half weeks ago? I had one 16 months ago and I still don't look like her...I think they have this special vacuum chamber that they put new hollywood mom's in right after they give birth that sucks all the baby fat off them, and just leaves them with the one good side effect - bigger boobs! Last note, was dissappointed in Gwen, she's usually looking so fabulous, the white hair, white dress, red lips didn't go over so well for me...and where were all the husbands? No Gavin, no Brad? Well, that's over time to start gearing up for the Grammy's...
devian - 2004-01-26 12:47:16
i love watching golden globes, but because of JOAN RIVERS! ha! i DO think she's funny! i love her meanness. i have one of her concerts on record. it's halarious.
devian - 2004-01-26 12:47:49
i meant award shows, not golden globes. i missed the golden globes. i think they are an oscar rip-off.
devian - 2004-01-26 13:24:43
i am giving you the honor of being my twin sister. now, you can tell your sisters that you have a twin, too...except he's a boy.
devian - 2004-01-26 15:31:44
you'd be so fun to get stoned with.
Carrie - 2004-01-26 15:31:58
serena (Of serenaville) - 2004-01-26 16:30:19
From this web page: was this quote: "Desperately in Need of a "Queer Eye" Makeover: The ponytailed Al Pacino and the unkempt Peter Jackson, both of whom need a few hours of quality time with Carson and Kyan." ... Just thought you might like to feel vindicated. ;)
The Salad-Ho Again - 2004-01-26 18:18:51
Back the fluff up Devian, I was the twin first! *overly dramatic mad face*

OK you be the boy twin - I'll be the girl twin.

It's a different sort of twinnage anyway. I'm the freaky twin, you're the things-in-common twin. ;)
laura - 2004-01-27 10:30:19
I agonized over Al's pony knob, and what was with chick hanging all over him? First of all, don't hang all over Al Pacino in public no matter what you get to do to him in private. Yuck. I just kept looking from his rat tail to her hands on him thinking "Yuck!" I loved "Normal" too. I was just talking to my sister about how amazing Jessica Lange was in everything I've seen her in this year. She was more beautiful in "Big Fish" than she was on the red carpet though. I wanted her hair curly. And I hated Nicole Kidman's hairstyle, hair color, and dress. She evidentally didn't even blip on your radar. SHit, I have to make my own entry regarding this. Plus- your comment about what Tom Cruise was thinking almost made me pee...

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