Back in St. Olaf:

Jenn - 2004-01-22 09:05:29
LOL!! Tighty Whities!! Girl, you crack me up!! :)
demi-orphan - 2004-01-22 10:17:37
Well now I REALLY want to see what TH looks like!!! :)
serena (Of serenaville) - 2004-01-22 10:43:45
That was too funny! I'm more a CK boxer briefs woman, myself. Mmmmmmm, love those. By the way, was it you who asked about that georg character a while back? I'm almost sure it was. Well, let it be known that he finally found me, and signed my Guestbook. I feel faintly disturbed now...
Pandionna - 2004-01-22 12:34:30
Yeah, but does he have a flamingo g-string? Heh.
Lauren - 2004-01-22 15:10:00
Ok sister, when are you going to put up a pic of the husband? Huh? Now we NEED to see him. You crack me up! :)
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