Back in St. Olaf:

Amy - 2004-01-20 17:18:40
Heh! I don't have pugs but I do have 2 cats we have to keep separated due to unethical wrestling by one of them. Maybe a pug or two would teach them they don't have it so bad and to get along.
thisendup - 2004-01-20 17:18:42
i was just going to write you a note but my co-worker annoyed me so much that i can't even think now...
Carrie - 2004-01-20 17:23:26
Ha! We call it The Running of the Puppies at our house, every night. We eat popcorn and watch the 4 pound Chihuahua beat up on the 20 pound (he's chubby) Maltese. It's great fun. Do you give awards?

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