Back in St. Olaf:

Sarah - 2004-01-14 05:26:41
Petney. Definitley DEFINITLEY Petney.
ex-stripper - 2004-01-14 06:08:03
wicked because it's a quick read and you can critique my costume plot after I finish it.
lap - 2004-01-14 10:55:58
"Wicked" is really great. It will be no matter if you read it first or last though. Nicole Sullivan floored me with her moves last night. I had no idea that she actually knew what she was doing when she outsed Paul Rudd and I laughed and laughed. Of course, I know nothing about cards. I do know about bluffing though.
devian - 2004-01-14 12:33:23
listen--you have a problem. you have what is called "diary addiction". i understand this illness because i also suffer from it. i...can'
Carrie - 2004-01-14 13:02:49
Well I read them all, but would still like the inter. dance version.
[email protected] - 2004-01-14 16:57:15
I totally can relate...I SO suck at volleyball. I still have nightmares about high school gym class. You want comments? I'll try to leave ya comments... I'm slowing become an addict too, so your frequent updates help to ward off the shakes. :)
Lauren - 2004-01-14 17:45:57
I live for your updates. You crack me up! Oh, and I still need to join your stat whore diaryring, because I'm a whore in every sense. :)

Picture It Sicily 1918:

Your Name:
Your Room Number at Shady Pines:

Let's Go Out on the Lanai - Miami