Back in St. Olaf:

Trinity Sixty-Three - 2004-01-07 11:54:41
I keep meaning to ask you. How old are you? I want to place you in your early 20's?
allie - 2004-01-07 13:22:05
Courtney, it is true that people are not allowed to be driving our cars and btw it is MY car that got hit so that sucks. Afterwards shannon decided that the Sears guy could fix it up amd with a little paint it will look just like new. I don't think so asshole!!!! Also, go to Elizabeths blog and look on the left hand side and go to Dooce. On that blog under feeling guilty you will get a good laugh!!!
Pandionna - 2004-01-07 13:33:44
I like children. With a good Pinot Noir. Heh. Seriously, though, I'm all about the child-free life, and can understand how child-free folks would want to get together. However, that's no reason for them to be nasty toward kids or their parents. Well, unless the parents have those bigass strollers that they ram into your ankles in a department store because you had the audacity to stand where they want to push their kid. Or those Baby On Board signs, like we're all supposed to get out of their way. Or the attitude that their kids' crap doesn't stink and we should all put up with the little monsters running around restaurants. You get my drift. It's not so much the kids who annoy me as all the lousy parents out there who raise said kids to be snot-nosed little brats. But a good kid from a good parent, that's a good thing. And I'm sorry about the car. Tres sucky.
Saladwhore - 2004-01-07 16:15:35
OMG - Georg found me too! I was wondering WhoTF he was . . . creeeepaaaaayyy...

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