Back in St. Olaf:

Trinity Sixty-Three - 2004-01-03 04:49:10
ewes not fat ewes fluffy:)
Pandionna - 2004-01-03 12:24:02
All I see is a beautiful bride with two lovely bridesmaids who were probably only too glad that the beautiful bride picked out pretty dresses for her wedding party and not some ugly poofy crap.
fargahar - 2004-01-03 15:48:41
I was nice enough to let them all pick their own dresses as long as they were periwinkle. :)
purplebanana - 2004-01-03 18:08:21
You look bee-OOH-tea-full.
lap - 2004-01-04 09:47:51
First of all, "as long as they were periwinkle" cracks me up. I refer to all my diaries as "the periwinkle diary" because periwinkle is an herbal remedy you can take for excessive bleeding and hysterical fits. It's also a lovely color of course. "Mists of Avalon" is great although I'd been trying to read it for about 10 years before I just pushed through the first confusing chapter. It's totally worth it, and it's a great February type read too.

Picture It Sicily 1918:

Your Name:
Your Room Number at Shady Pines:

Let's Go Out on the Lanai - Miami