Back in St. Olaf:

Pandionna - 2003-12-26 10:11:34
But look at it this way: It's over! Some years, they're fun, other years they suck. 2004 can only be better, right?
lap - 2003-12-26 12:24:02
Hey. Having a good Christmas this year, after a complete farce last year, I am totally feeling for you. I had a nice Christmas day and took it easy by feeding the girls leftover chili (they picked and were delighted)and serving thisendup and myself chicken Ramen noodle soup with added fresh garlic and broccoli. Don't laugh, it's really really good for comfort if you have a cold, and thisendup certainly does. Why does family drama always have to be a part of the holidays? Anyway you are the kind of Christmas Angel that I honor if that makes any difference. Ho ho ho.

Picture It Sicily 1918:

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