Back in St. Olaf:

Pandionna - 2003-12-23 19:16:38
BWAH! I love it! Thanks for posting that!
thisendup - 2003-12-23 19:41:02
you are right to say drop the baggage. i guess that i'm just feelin' the funk today. i hope that your drive was nice and that you have a happy holidays. truly.
Trinity Sixty-Three - 2003-12-23 21:53:19
Why would your mother in law #1 say something like that, and #2 why in the world would your husband pass something so hurtful on to you? That is just so inappropriate. I wouldn't go either. If your husband leaves you alone at home, I am really going to be disappointed.

Picture It Sicily 1918:

Your Name:
Your Room Number at Shady Pines:

Let's Go Out on the Lanai - Miami