All Of My Days Have Been Misspent
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24 hours my ass.....

2003-10-22 & 11:59 p.m.

"Okay, rule number one: unless you're served in a frosted glass, never come within four feet of my lips."-Karen from Will and Grace

I got a new template. From Lucky designs. My computer programmer husband promised to help me tweak it a bit. So anyways right now I will vent a little. And share some of my paranoid dilusions I always seem to have.

1) If you are a 24 hour grovery store that means you are open 24 hours. Okay I understand the closing on Sunday from 2 am to 4 am to restock or something lile that but for you to post a sign on your door that says closed everynight from 11 pm to 4 am to clean the floors and restock no longer means you can classify yourself as 24 hour. I mean when I go into a 24 hour store I expect there to be floor cleaning and restocking going on if I go there at 2 am. So why not be open and collect my money for the emergency ice cream I needed because as I delve further into my unemployment I am developing insomnia. (Could it be the 6 Diet Cokes I have had today....NO!!!)

2) and this is where the paranoid thoughts come in....I have called my best friend Ashley 3 times today and twice yesterday...everytime she was either busy or not home. I left a message with her husband for her to call me(not for any emergency or particular reason...I mean unless that there is a new South Park on and she was supposed to get her hair done today and I wanted to see if she really went through with cutting it off like she said she was going to classifies as an emergency) Anyways normally if we are not together durng some portion of the day we are on the phone for long periods of time together. Especially since we are both unemployed. (We worked for a psycho chainsmoking hormonal manic depressive bitch who we walked out on one day because we were tired of her crap. HELL YES we Norma Rae'd her ass and 3 other employees walked out with us) Anyways now we have not talked for a while and then the paranoid thoughts set in that she somehow realized in the past few days that she hates me or something and doesn't want to talk to me again or all stems from 8th grade when my best friend that I spent 24/7 with ditched me for no reason. (I later found out it was because she got involved in drug experimentation and was afraid to be friends with me because my dad is a cop.) but I anyways now I am worried I have lost the only friend I have in Seattle which only makes me miss Chicago more (where all my friends and family are) Then I think I am stupid for having such little faith in our friendship and know I am being paranoid...

I think I will sum this up by saying I need professional help...

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