Back in St. Olaf:

not-tuesday - 2005-02-01 00:08:43
Why are hemmorhoids funny?
fargahar - 2005-02-01 00:31:27
Number one they are funny cause they are on my soon to be ex husbands ass. Number 2 it is funny cause it is a hemorrhoid on my soon to be ex husbands ass. Number C well I guess if you met soon to be ex husband in person you would think it was funny too.
cosmicrayola - 2005-02-01 07:06:32
The pug licking his paws reminds me of out maintenance man at work. He often brings his chuauhuau (spelling suck, I know) to work. When he starts likeing his feet a lot, Dean has to take him to the vet for steroids. It is a symptom (at least to him). He is allergic to grass.
Shannon - 2005-02-02 22:48:50
I had those Courtney..not fun. I sympathize with the soon to be ex husband. It sucks a fat one. But I have an excuse. An overdose of pain medication (post surgery of course) will do that to a person. Tell him to sit on a donut seat.

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