Back in St. Olaf:

jes - 2004-08-29 02:52:40
hahahahaha. thats a hilarious entry. seriously. it made me laugh out loud. but i refuse to write lol. it makes me feel like a douch bag.
serena (Of serenaville) - 2004-08-29 03:27:58
BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!! Classic! I'd love to have been a fly on his wall when the rain started. Thanks for sharing that! :D
dev - 2004-08-29 17:07:39
i totally agree regarding the songwriting thing...i'm just sick of people not considering the voice an instrument...when it comes to being an "artist", i don't think you can consdier yourself an "artist" unless you create the art. just "singing" isn't being an "artist" but it IS being a "musician".
dev - 2004-08-29 18:12:59
i used to be afraid of getting pegged by glowsticks during Phish shows, but this time, i said: FUCK IT and had a ball! that photo is not mine, i think my friend took it...not sure since we took no pictures and stole all of our phish pics off the net!
dev - 2004-08-29 21:22:48
oh, you know me! you really know me! i'm so happy you got EVERY question right!

Picture It Sicily 1918:

Your Name:
Your Room Number at Shady Pines:

Let's Go Out on the Lanai - Miami