Back in St. Olaf:

Cosmicrayola - 2004-07-09 06:47:09
You know your day can only get better when at 6:30 am you are reading about "other people" dealing with hairballs, projectile diahrea (sp) and vomit. I deal with a lot of "shit" in the course of the day, but at least mind is all mental, not physical. Yuck!
dev - 2004-07-09 14:26:38
well, since you're so well-versed in dealing with shit, come to my house. it is shit central as well since the bf and i both have the flu.
Cabin-boy - 2004-07-21 06:05:22
heh heh heh... the Cap'n gets that way about his job. Every Monday he comes home and reminds me how over the weekend he'd forgotton what it was LIKE to have to explain to an uptight, poor-english-speaking woman what to DO with the 'inserts' they just perscribed... or how people come in for oxy-contin and stop to count the pills, to make sure they get every single one... then come back later the same day, pretending they didn't pick up their RX yet. ;) ah, the joys of life in medicine. ;) Be glad you don't work at the clinic that sees Big Bertha... everytime they take her in to clip her nails, or do a shot, this same poor tech gets to hold her... and Bertha pees on her foot. *sigh* I am SO embarassed.

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