Back in St. Olaf:

Saladwhore - 2004-06-02 20:52:29
I never had a real pedicure before. I'm kind of scared to because my first toe has weird nails that don't grow straight across. I can coax them into little rectangles sorta, but I always think they would freak the fuck out of the little Asian toenail ladies.

Actually, come to think of it, the nail salon at my mall has little Asian toenail dudes. . . *Squick squick*
Amy - 2004-06-02 22:30:50
Oh, the "Helpful" bystander! My cousin has a VERY active golden lab who is very fit. Her vet says most labs are over fed and way too sedintary. People always complain to her that she is starving BoDean and they will report her. So far no one has, but sheesh! Dean is a very active dog and is NOT overfed. Also, congrats on Tucca's return! I am just catching up after returning from the surgery. Yay! Tucca!
cabin-boy - 2004-06-04 00:01:47
Oh man... I understand. :P Big Bertha is a BIG girl... she is a little overwieght, but she LOOKS like he's huge and fat beyond fat. She's got the classic 'bavarian rottie' shape, which makes it look worse. :P If I have to listen to one more person tell me how I need to feed her less, that she's going to be sick she's so overwieght... I am going to kill someone. :P she eats the best food availible, and she eats EXACTLY the measure alotted for what the vet says she SHOULD wiegh, not for what she DOES wiegh, being overwieght. :P Believe me, this is not a dog eating twinkies or something. :P uuurrrrgh.

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